Awards Finalists

Awards Finalists

SOPA Announces 2023 Awards for Editorial Excellence Finalists and Winners!


1. Excellence in Reporting on Women’s Issues (卓越女性議題報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Nikkei Asia, Women's wealth in Asia
Honorable Mention: Nikkei Asia, Abortion in Asia: The limits of choice
Finalist: Financial Times, North Korean women pay a heavy price as Kim turns on 'black market breadwinners'

Award for Excellence: The World of Chinese, The Road to Consent Culture in China: Brutal Assault in Tangshan Renews Calls for Better Sex Education
Honorable Mention: Scroll, How Kashmir’s half-widows are denied their basic property rights
Finalist: Newslaundry, Giving Agency to Women

Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 異域生養─上萬名移工父母與他們孩子的崎嶇路/Born and Raised in Foreign Land: Immigrant Workers and Their Parenting Predicament
Honorable Mention: 願景工程 Vision Project, 協助或騷擾? 障礙女性: NO means NO/Disabled Women: NO means NO
Finalist: 时尚先生 Esquire China, 被性侵的, 被救助的, 被捆绑的童年/Lost Childhood

2. Excellence in Journalistic Innovation (卓越新聞報道創新獎)
Award for Excellence: The Washington Post, Crucial Lapses Led to Tragically Delayed Rescue in a Seoul Alley
Honorable Mention: Bloomberg News, How Xi Rewrote China's Rulebook to Build the Party Around Himself
Finalist: The New York Times, The Toll of ‘Zero Covid’

Award for Excellence: Sixth Tone, Memory Project: The Shanghai Lockdown
Honorable Mention: Malaysiakini, Malaysian 15th general election special project
Finalist: The Quint, Islamophobia 365: Lynchings and Beyond

Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 還原一場12小時內湮滅的犯罪─數萬噸廢棄物, 如何悄悄埋入台糖土地深處/Back To the Crime Scene: Taiwan’s Illegal Dumping
Honorable Mention: 歪脑|WHYNOT, 揭开流量时代的伤口, 走出网络暴力的漩涡/Chinese Internet’s Hidden Victims: Uncovering and Healing the Scars of Online Abuse
Finalist: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 《人民日報》10 年解讀 習近平如何改變中國/Decoding People’s Daily: How Xi Changed China

3. Excellence in Audio Reporting (卓越音频报道奖)
Award for Excellence: The Economist, The Prince
Honorable Mention: Financial Times, Tech Tonic: The US-China Tech Race
Finalist: National Public Radio, The Black Gate: A Uyghur Family's Story

Award for Excellence: Radio Taiwan International, From Lithuania With Love
Honorable Mention: Eco-Business, Shifting Sands: the environmental controversy beneath your feet
Finalist: PumaPodcast, Catch Me If You Can: Meet the Top Troll

Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 墮胎、逃跑! 上萬名移工父母與他們孩子的歧嶇路/Job or Kid? Hard Choice for Illegal Immigrant Parents in Taiwan
Honorable Mention: 不明白播客 Bumingbai Podcast, 2022年中国抗议者专题/2022 China Protests Series
Finalist: Radio Free Asia, 疾风中的新闻自由/Press Freedom in the Eye of the Storm

4. Excellence in Video Reporting (卓越視頻報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Insider News, Why Miners Risk Their Lives To Get Sulfur From An Active Volcano
Honorable Mention: Bloomberg News, Amazon Packages Burn in India, a Sign of Global Recycling’s Failings
Finalist: The New York Times, Inside the Final Days of the Doctor China Tried to Silence

Award for Excellence: CNA, What happened before former Chinese President Hu Jintao was escorted out of Congress?
Honorable Mention: Sixth Tone, ‘Thank You for Your Cooperation’
Finalist: Rappler, Rough roads: The exploitation of Filipino truck drivers in Europe

Award for Excellence: BBC Chinese, 反「清零」抗議潮: 美國的中國留學生如何用行動聲援/Chinese Students in the US Joining the ‘Blank Paper Protests’
Honorable Mention: 今周刊 Business Today, 淨灘都清不完的海廢危機! 台灣的海岸怎麼了?/Beach Cleanup Can't Solve the Pollution Crisis; What Happened to the Coasts of Taiwan?
Finalist: 聯合報 United Daily News, 解凍格陵蘭-看冰往哪融/Melting Greenland

5. Excellence in Human Rights Reporting (卓越人權報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Reuters, From Rohingya to razed villages: Myanmar army's mounting atrocities
Honorable Mention: Reuters, Legal Jeopardy: Human rights lawyers pay the price for standing up to Beijing
Finalist: Bloomberg News, Microfinance Takes a Disastrous Wrong Turn

Award for Excellence: Myanmar Now, Myanmar's many forms of resistance
Honorable Mention: Frontier Myanmar, I reported on the military's abuses, then I became a victim
Finalist: Coconuts Media, The Fight Against the Death Penalty in Singapore

Award for Excellence: 報導者 The Reporter, 綁債 黑工 留學陷阱: 失控的高教技職國際招生/Debt Traps, Modern Slavery, Shattered Dreams: Illegal Recruitment of International Students in Taiwan’s Technical University System
Honorable Mention: 明報 Ming Pao, 沒有支聯會的六四系列/Commemorate June 4 without the Alliance
Finalist: READr, 封城孤島: 無藥無糧, 從近萬筆求救訊息看上海的封城亂象/Shanghai Lockdown Chaos

6. Excellence in Feature Writing (卓越專題特寫獎)
Award for Excellence: The Wall Street Journal, The Two Michaels
Honorable Mention: Reuters, Bullets and Bone: A pathologist, a priest and a hunt for justice in the Philippines
Finalist: ProPublica, The Night Raids

Award for Excellence: Rest of World, The dirty road to clean energy: How China’s electric vehicle boom is ravaging the environment
Honorable Mention: Frontier Myanmar, Dancing with the enemy
Finalist: Fifty Two, The Match

Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 當白紙穿透中國大學高牆: 站出來, 看到了集體行動的可能/When the White Paper Penetrates Thick Walls of Chinese Universities
Honorable Mention: 報導者 The Reporter, 「潤學潮」下最危險的逃難路徑: 穿越巴拿馬叢林的中國人/"We're All Fleeing Persecution": Chinese Asylum-seekers Head to US via Darién Gap
Finalist: 鏡週刊 Mirror Media, 防火牆內的證言: 中國白紙運動紀實/Testimonies inside the Firewall : China's White Paper Revolution

7. Excellence in Technology Reporting (卓越科技报道奖)
Award for Excellence: The New York Times, ‘An Invisible Cage’: How China Is Policing the Future
Honorable Mention: ProPublica, Human Trafficking’s Newest Abuse: Forcing Victims Into Cyberscamming
Finalist: Nikkei Asia, The global chip war

Award for Excellence: Fifty Two, Human Touch
Honorable Mention: Frontier Myanmar, Doxxing on Telegram
Finalist: Rest of World, In the dark: Seven years, 60 countries, 935 internet shutdowns: How authoritarian regimes found an off switch for dissent

Award for Excellence: 界面新闻 Jiemian News, TikTok内幕: 张一鸣的巨浪征途/Inside TikTok: Zhang Yiyiming's Epic Voyage
Honorable Mention: 端傳媒 Initium Media,「天上有雲、中間有網、地上有格」—中國監控國家的誕生/Nothing Outside the Grid: the Birth of the Chinese Surveillance State
Finalist: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 躲不掉的中國天眼/Chinese Surveillance in Taiwan

8. Excellence in Magazine Design (卓越雜誌設計獎)**
Award for Excellence: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 永續台灣夢/Taiwan’s Climate Battle
Honorable Mention: Post Magazine, Faking the Grade
Finalist: Nikkei Asia, Asia's age of precarity

9. Excellence in Arts & Culture Reporting (卓越藝術及文化報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Financial Times, The pervasive succession crisis threatening Japan’s economy
Honorable Mention: Bloomberg News, An Art Crime for the Ages
Finalist: Nikkei Asia, The art of protest in Asia

Award for Excellence: Frontier Myanmar, Gentle giants in the revolution
Honorable Mention: Zolima CityMag, Arrivals and Departures: Hong Kong’s Aviation History
Finalist: The World of Chinese, Speaking Up, Passing Down: Can Social Media Save Chinese Regional Dialects From Extinction?

Award for Excellence: 歪脑|WHYNOT, 后女性主义? 资本主义陷阱? 文化统战? 我们和“小红书”的台湾女性用户聊了聊/Post-feminism, Capitalist Trap, or the United Cultural Front? We Discuss Little Red Book with Female Users in Taiwan
Honorable Mention: 生活月刊 China Life Magazine, 字游城/Font City Tour
Finalist: 報導者 The Reporter, 新台漫時代──在日漫與韓漫夾擊下, 如何走出自己的路/Taiwan Comics' New Era

10. Excellence in Bahasa Indonesia News Reporting (Penghargaan Karya Jurnalistik Kategori Bahasa Indonesia)
Award for Excellence: Mongabay, BBC Indonesia, and The Gecko Project, Janji Kosong Kebun Plasma: Kisah Masyarakat Indonesia yang Terpinggirkan dari Demam Sawit/‘The promise was a lie’: How Indonesian villagers lost their cut of the palm oil boom
Honorable Mention: Kompas, Limbung Pangan di Merauke/Bewildered Food Estates in Merauke
Finalist: Project Multatuli, Underprivileged Gen Z Ibu Kota: Hidup Miskin, Woke, dan Punya Gangguan Mental/Underprivileged Gen Z series

11. Excellence in Explanatory Reporting (卓越解釋性報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The Economist, Xi Jinping: the making of a dictator
Honorable Mention: The New York Times, ‘Zero Covid’ and Its Unraveling
Finalist: Reuters, Starving the Mekong

Award for Excellence: Sixth Tone, Inside China’s Real Estate Crisis
Honorable Mention: The World of Chinese, The Battle Over China’s Public Spaces
Finalist: Eco-Business, New mines, old problems

Award for Excellence: Radio Free Asia, 中国拐卖妇女现象深层分析/In-depth Analysis of Trafficking of Women in China
Honorable Mention: 聯合新聞網, 2022 菲律賓選舉專題/2022 Philippines Election
Finalist: 報導者 The Reporter, 百年震盪─斷層下的台灣啟示錄/Living with Risks: What Lessons Taiwan Has Learned from Earthquakes

12. Excellence in Business Reporting (卓越經濟報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Bloomberg News, The Man Who Broke the Nickel Market
Honorable Mention: The Wall Street Journal, China’s Belt & Road Reckoning
Finalist: Financial Times, The pervasive succession crisis threatening Japan’s economy

Award for Excellence: Sixth Tone, Code Red: The Human Cost of China’s Rural Banking Crisis
Honorable Mention: Frontier Myanmar, The junta’s exchange rate ‘fix’
Finalist: Myanmar Now, How Myanmar's post-coup economy fuels war and profits the military

Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 透視星港競爭: 新加坡憑什麼贏?/"Talent Rivalry" Between Hong Kong and Singapore: What Makes Singapore the Winner?
Honorable Mention: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 供應鏈變局3.0/Supply Chain 3.0
Finalist: 遠見雜誌 Global Views Magazine, 代價1500億的這堂課 台灣學到了什麼?/What Does Taiwan Learn from the 150bn Insurance Claim Lesson?

13. Excellence in Infographics (卓越數據圖像獎)
Award for Excellence: South China Morning Post, Life in Hong Kong’s shoebox housing
Honorable Mention: Reuters, How a night of Halloween revelry turned to disaster in South Korea
Finalist: Bloomberg News, How Xi Rewrote China's Rulebook to Build the Party Around Himself

Award for Excellence: GMA News Online, Eleksyon 2022
Honorable Mention: Sixth Tone, China’s Human Trafficking Problem Goes Far Beyond the ‘Chained Woman’
Finalist: Sixth Tone, What Does It Cost to Test China for COVID-19?

Award for Excellence: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 最新圖解 中國 72 小時「封台」軍演/Maps: China’s 72-hour ‘Taiwan Blockade’
Honorable Mention: READr, 2022 九合一地方公職人員選舉暨修憲公投開票即時資訊/2022 Local Elections Live Vote Results
Finalist: 歪脑|WHYNOT, 揭开流量时代的伤口, 走出网络暴力的漩涡/Chinese Internet’s Hidden Victims: Uncovering and Healing the Scars of Online Abuse

14. Excellence in Reporting Breaking News (卓越突發新聞獎)**
Award for Excellence: Bloomberg News, China’s Covid Protests
Honorable Mention: Reuters, The assassination of Shinzo Abe
Finalist: The Guardian, A dangerous moment: Taiwan in the crosshairs

Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 東航空難系列/China Eastern Airlines Flight 5737 Crash
Honorable Mention: 聯合新聞網, 南韓梨泰院慘案/Seoul Halloween Crowd Crush
Finalist: 今周刊 Business Today, 晶片戰爭全解析/The Chip War

15. Excellence in Opinion Writing (卓越評論獎)
Award for Excellence: ChinaFile, In China's Diaspora, Visions of a Different Homeland
Honorable Mention: Financial Times, Marxism, unsackable slackers and empty homes
Finalist: The Economist, The Economist's Chaguan column

Award for Excellence: Frontier Myanmar, The junta condemns itself
Honorable Mention: Hong Kong Free Press, Press Freedom Day: As long as there are journalists in Hong Kong, there will be journalism
Finalist: Jom, The repeal of S377A: democracy, secularism, and acceptable speech under threat

Award for Excellence: 香港01 HK01, 端正歷史態度 別讓「六四」成為禁語/Don't Turn June Fourth into a Taboo
Honorable Mention: 關鍵評論網 The News Lens, 全世界對於習近平的批評, 帶著深深的誤解/A Critique of Global Take on Xi Jinping
Finalist: 灼見名家, 新冠疫情勢將盡 香港復常心所往/Pandemic Days Are Numbered, Normalcy Shall Return

16. Excellence in Reporting on the Environment (卓越環境報道獎)
Award for Excellence: The Washington Post, An Empire Built on Coal
Honorable Mention: Reuters, Starving the Mekong
Finalist: Bloomberg News, Planet Plastics

Award for Excellence: Rest of World, The dirty road to clean energy: How China’s electric vehicle boom is ravaging the environment
Honorable Mention: Southeast Asia Globe & The Straits Times, When the Forests Fall Silent
Finalist: CNA, “Asia’s Great Climate Frontiers” series

Award for Excellence: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 肉食動物系列/Us Carnivores
Honorable Mention: 報導者 The Reporter, 垃圾黑市錢與權: 一條事業廢棄物犯罪鏈的生成/Enterprise Wastes Black Market: Organized Crime of Disposal
Finalist: 商業週刊 Business Weekly, 一個台灣 3種空氣/Inequality in the Air: 4-Year Investigation of Air Pollution in Taiwan

17. Excellence in Photography (卓越攝影獎)
Award for Excellence: The Associated Press, Political and Economic Collapse in Sri Lanka
Honorable Mention: Bloomberg News, This Is What Life’s Like in the World’s Strictest Covid Zero City
Finalist: Reuters, Sri Lanka spirals into crisis

Award for Excellence: Sixth Tone, Life in One of China’s Unfinished Apartment Complexes
Honorable Mention: Project Multatuli, Shamans' Ritual To Protect Bangka Island's Remaining Forest
Finalist: Sixth Tone, Poyang Lake: Life Under Climate Whiplash

Award for Excellence: 鏡週刊 Mirror Media,  烏克蘭直擊 Stand with Ukraine
Honorable Mention: 歪脑|WHYNOT, 重读身边的“共产主义美学”-潜伏在日常的野蛮/Revisiting the "Communist Aesthetics" around Us: Uncovering the Everyday Brutality
Finalist: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 疫情下, 無助的老人/Helpless Elders in the Pandemic

18. The Scoop Award (獨家新聞獎)**
Award for Excellence: The Wall Street Journal, The New Lieutenants
Honorable Mention: Financial Times, Nancy Pelosi to visit Taiwan next month amid China tensions
Finalist: Vice World News, At an Isolated Boarding School, a Culture of Sexual Abuse Thrived for Decades

Award for Excellence: 明報 Ming Pao, 審藏書嘆準則未明 教師自訂紅線/A School Librarian's Self-imposed Redlines
Honorable Mention: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 失守與死亡: 疫情中的上海養老院/Life and Death in Shanghai Nursing Homes during the Pandemic
Finalist: 香港01 HK01, 退而不休被開除黨籍 前銀監會副主席蔡鄂生的香港朋友圈/The Hidden Hong Kong Network of a Disgraced China Banking Regulator

19. Carlos Tejada Award for Excellence in Investigative Reporting (卓越調查報道獎)
Award for Excellence: Bloomberg News, Planet Plastics
Honorable Mention: Vice World News, The Human Trafficking Victims Being Forced to Scam the World: An Investigation
Finalist: The Wall Street Journal, The Two Michaels

Award for Excellence: VOD, Enslaved
Honorable Mention: Frontier Myanmar, Covid cover-up
Finalist: Myanmar Now, How Myanmar's military covers up past crimes against the Rohingya, and erases them from the country's future

Award for Excellence: 香港01 HK01, 電訊詐騙營人口販賣調查: 來自緬甸柬埔寨的呼救/Human Trafficking Investigation: Call for Help from Myanmar and Cambodia
Honorable Mention: 報導者 The Reporter, 綁債 黑工 留學陷阱: 失控的高教技職國際招生/Debt Traps, Modern Slavery, Shattered Dreams: Illegal Recruitment of International Students in Taiwan’s Technical University System
Finalist: 天下雜誌 CommonWealth Magazine, 躲不掉的中國天眼/Chinese Surveillance in Taiwan

20. SOPA Award for Young Journalists (亞洲出版業協會最佳新人記者大獎)**
Award for Excellence: The Wire China, Katrina Northrop
Finalist: Frontier Myanmar, Hein Thar
Finalist: The Washington Post, Regine Cabato

21. SOPA Award for Public Service Journalism (亞洲出版業協會公共服務新聞大獎)
Award for Excellence: ProPublica, The Night Raids
Finalist: 端傳媒 Initium Media, 中國封控抗議潮系列/A Series on the White Paper Protests
Finalist: The Wall Street Journal, The People of Shanghai


* Combined Global/Regional category (due to not receiving more than 5 entries)

** Combined Global/Regional/Chinese category (due to not receiving more than 5 entries)

NOTE: This list is based on the titles of entries as submitted. Due to system limitations, the above links lead to just one story in each entry, even for entries that consisted of a package of related stories. The judges took into consideration the entire package of stories in making their decisions.

Please be reminded that any articles on this list used for promotional purposes at any time should wherever possible display the SOPA 2023 Awards logo and include a link to Thank you.